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The EmHub

                Emchanted Hub (EmHub) is a personal blog filled with posts about whatever thingamajig my mind would reach. Basically, it was born as a school requirement but I find it very exciting to do blogging which is why I wanted to pursue what I’ve started.
                To blog is not just about posting and posting, because for me it is an art, a talent, and a power. I find it as the easiest and best way to express what is within me, hone my skills and creativity, share and communicate to the world, and eventually inspire. EmHub is the record and reflection of my life and my thoughts. Through this, I will help to create the world a better place.
                They say the best trait is believing that there is always good in everything and here in EmHub, we will seek for it. I will do my best to inspire – lead your way to the light and together, let us be enchanted.

The Author

                Hi earthlings!
                I am Sheryl Moana Marie R. Ollamina, probably mouthful so let’s make it as M. Known as nothing but a typical schoolgirl. I study well, slightly sing, dance, act, write, draw or whatever ONLY when it is very necessary. Well somehow, let’s just say I have no specific talent but one thing is for sure, I am passionate in whatever my heart speaks for. 
                Mystical – that’s me. I am always fascinated of the subtle beauties every piece of thing possesses. Over thinking brings me deeply beyond what the eyes can see and combining vivid an imagination with strong sense of compassion is my thing.
                I dream and I never stop chasing and striving because I am a tireless idealist, a perfect picture of that emotional and intense girl in the threshold of womanhood.

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